Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Revelation of Christ – Part 18: The Sixth Seal

The Revelation of Christ – Part 18:
The Sixth Seal – HOFC
Pastor Bruce A. Shields
House of Faith Church | |

This Document is a Sermon Outline, you may hear the full audio of the actual sermon by following the link Online Audio Files located above for this, and other Full Sermon Audios.  For a complete list of Sermon Outlines, visit, or Truth Digest on facebook; for our Official Church website, visit, or find us on facebook at House of Faith Church

The Book of Revelation, or the Revelation of Christ, is the most difficult book in the bible.

Because of this fact, many avoid it, or ignore it all together. Some fear lack of understanding, others afraid to misinterpret, which I guess it is better to avoid than dive in and get it completely wrong.

Many times, when a new believer comes to me for direction, they want to jump right into Revelation and find out what’s to come.

This is equivalent to deciding one day to learn Mandarin and sitting down to author a novel in Chinese that very same day.

Or, a kindergartner learning how to count, and then trying to calculate quantum mechanics calculations.

The words in Revelation have caused much debate on rapture, judgement, even some who claim John was writing about the events in his day in code rather than Jesus Christ revealing to him about the coming events and Judgment.

A special blessing is promised to those who read Revelation.

Although it may be a difficult book, we could all use a special blessing, reading this is good for us all, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we will take the Revelation of Christ in small portions and gain understanding, little by little.


THE THINGS WHICH ARE – The Church Age (Age of Grace)
Part 3 – Ephesus The Backsliding Church

Part 4 – Smyrna The Steadfast Church
Part 5 – Pergamos The Immoral Church
Part 6 – Thyatira The Careless Pagan Church
Part 7 – Sardis The Spiritless Church
Part 8 – Philadelphia The Favored Church
Part 9 – Laodicea The Church God Hates

Part 10 – The Throne of God
Part 11 – The Scroll and Seven Seals
Part 12 – The Lamb is Worthy
Part 13 – The First Seal

Part 14 – The Second Seal
Part 15 – The Third Seal
Part 16 – The Fourth Seal
Part 17 – The Fifth Seal

Part 18 – The Sixth Seal

Revelation 6:12-17
I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.
15 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us[f] from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of their[g] wrath has come, and who can withstand it?”

a.   There was a great earthquake
                                     i.   I believe this is a meteor strike.
                                    ii.   A major strike releases the energy of several million nuclear weapons detonating simultaneously.
                                   iii.   This can happen from an object between 1-2 miles in diameter
1.   I believe an impact like this is what caused the 40 days of rain
2.   What knocked the earth from its axis making axis north and magnetic north different.
                                   iv.   A 300ft meteor would cause a ¾ of a mile crater
                                    v.   The largest crater on earth is the Vredefort Crater
1.   Measures almost 200 miles across
2.   Found in South Africa
3.   The object that created it was probably around 6-9 miles in diameter

b.   The sun turned black “like sackcloth made of goat hair”
                                     i.   When an impact this massive hit the earth, it is felt around the world
                                    ii.   Plums of debris are catapulted into the atmosphere
                                   iii.   Debris such as this would darken the skies at first
1.   Imagine watching films of nuclear bomb tests

c.   The moon “became as blood” (LIT)
                                     i.   When light (or more specifically, packets of light called photons) from an astronomical object passes through the Earth's atmosphere, it scatters off of particles in the latter. It turns out that these particles like to scatter blue light more than they do red light; so "bluer" photons (those with shorter wavelengths) tend to get scattered, and "redder" photons (those with longer wavelengths) pass through. So, astronomical objects look redder from Earth than they would from space, because the redder wavelengths from the objects penetrate the atmosphere better than the bluer ones. Incidentally, this is why the sky is blue: blue light from the Sun is scattered in all directions on its way to the Earth.
                                    ii.   When there is more debris in the atmosphere it effects the appearance of objects in space
                                   iii.   The debris from the impact makes the moon “become as blood”

d.   The stars in the sky fell to earth
                                     i.   As figs from a tree when shaken by a strong wind
                                    ii.   Because of the debris in the sky, stars in space are no longer visible
                                   iii.   The meteor is followed by a “tail” of debris from breaking up in the atmosphere, these stragglers fall as “shooting stars” everywhere following the meteor
                                   iv.   Because of the debris in the sky, and John no longer able to see the stars, he assumed it was the stars falling to earth.

e.   The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up
                                     i.   Another scientific event John wouldn’t have understood in his time
                                    ii.   After a nuclear explosion and the sky filling with debris, the force (shockwave) from the explosion clears the sky around ground zero, pushing everything in the sky (heaven) away from impact. 
                                   iii.   The clouds do roll like a scroll, which John would not have known or understood in his time since no one had ever witnessed a nuclear explosion before.

f.    And every mountain and island was removed from its place
                                     i.   The force of the impact was so great, that mountains and islands are moved!
                                    ii.   Where do islands and mountains form????
                                   iii.   Tectonic plates, again, John could have no way of knowing or understanding this scientific concept!
                                   iv.   The force of the impacted meteor was so great, it shook the earth causing the plates to shift and move.
                                    v.   When tectonic plates move, so do the location of islands and mountains!!
1.   In 2016 a New Zealand earthquake moved islands closer together and lowered a city.
2.   It was a 7.8 magnitude
3.   The two islands were pushed several meters closer to one another.
4.   In Las Vegas people felt underground nuclear tests taking place miles away. A meteor hitting the earth would be a million times greater

a.   Kings, Princes, Generals, the rich, the mighty and everyone else, both slave and free
                                     i.   Who would not be scared at this event???

b.   Hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains
                                     i.   John may have witnessed high ranking officials hiding out in nuclear shelters which are built inside mountains
                                    ii.   Who would be hiding among the rocks of the mountains??
1.   People who knew the shelter was there, but were not permitted to enter

c.   What could this mean?
                                     i.   There are multiple shelters in the U.S.A. for government officials
1.   Some shelters are retired, the active ones are “secret”
                                    ii.   They are located around the U.S. for government officials to reach in emergency
                                   iii.   Locals would probably know of these facilities

a.   They called on the mountains and the rocks
                                     i.   “Fall upon us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the Throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!”
                                    ii.   This statement makes clear, they are running from God and His judgment

b.   For the great Day of Wrath has come!
                                     i.   Tribulation is about to start, and last 7 years
                                    ii.   Everything up to this point was preparing the world for its coming judgment
                                   iii.   We are not told “when” or “if” the rapture has happened yet
                                   iv.   Tribulation is now beginning

c.   And who can withstand it?
                                     i.   Showing man has set himself against God
                                    ii.   Trying to make a stand against Him and His Law

Next week we will look at the sealing of the 144,000

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