Sunday, September 25, 2011

They Must Be Giants - Part 4: Anger

They Must be Giants
Part 4 – A Giant Named Anger
Pastor Bruce A. Shields
House of Faith Church | |

Most of us are all familiar with the story of David & Goliath in 1 Samuel 17.

Remember these points from David & Goliath over the next few sermons;

        The battle between the Palestinians and the Israelites was a spiritual one.  

        David had the Holy Spirit just as all of those who belong to God have access to.

        David recognized the battle was spiritual even though everyone around him could not.  He was walking in the spirit, not by sight, but by faith.

        When David faced the giant, he knew the battle was not a man against a giant, but a giant against the power of God.

        The battle was the Lord’s!  David had the right perspective.

We must remember these points in our lives as well when we face things.

1.      It’s a spiritual battle
2.      We have the Holy Spirit if we belong to God
3.      The battle is the Lord’s

Today we are talking about Anger.

I.       FEAR IS
1.      There are two types of anger, righteous anger, and unrighteous or sinful anger. The Giant we are speaking on today is obviously unrighteous or sinful anger.

2.      Anger is NOT an emotion. Anger IS a behavior. And behaviors can be changed.
1.      We can not control our emotions, but we can control our behaviors.

2.      Science has shown through extensive case studies over the years that there are only 2 root emotions, and everything else we experience is a behavior that will arise from one of these two emotions.
3.      The two emotions are LOVE and FEAR.
1.      All of our behavior will arise from one of these two emotions.

2.      Unrighteous or sinful anger is a behavior that arises from the emotion of fear.

3.      In fact, all negative behavior arises from an unconscious, fear based state of stress.

4.      When God has righteous anger, that behavior comes from what emotion?  The answer is love.

Psalm 7:11
God is a righteous judge, a God who expresses his wrath every day.

Wrath is another word for extreme anger.

God is a righteous judge, and expresses His anger every day. His anger towards what?

Well if He is righteous, then His anger is toward – unrighteousness. And this behavior of anger towards unrighteousness arises from what emotion? Love.

Why, because we know it is God’s will that ALL are saved and come to a knowledge of the truth which is Jesus Christ.

That is the beginning of our righteousness.  Not that we are righteous, but because we submit to our Lord and belong to Him who is righteous.

So there are only two emotions, love and fear. All behaviors such as anger will come from one of these emotions. Unrighteous or sinful anger arises from fear, and righteous anger arises from love.

II.   Unrighteous or sinful anger is one of the bigger giants many face today.
1.      Anger, like most of the giants we face, wants to make us its slave.
1.      It wants to control us and our lives.

2.      When we have unrighteous anger, it keeps us in a state of unrighteousness, thus we are sinning.

3.      And this is where the devil wants us to live. In sin.
2.      As long as we are living in sin, we are cut off from the Lord, and all of His blessings, protection and benefits of the Kingdom of Heaven.
1.      If we have unrighteous anger, we are sinning.

2.      We ourselves become unrighteous.

3.      We read in 1 Peter 3:12, God does not hear the prayers of the unrighteous.
1.      When we sin, we close the door of communication to the Lord because of our unrighteousness.

2.      Our sinful anger causes us to live in our sin, thus cutting us off from our inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Galatians 5:19 – 21
19 The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

III.      The act of our sinful nature cuts us off from the Kingdom of God.
1.We are told we will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
1.      What is the Kingdom of God? It’s not just talking about the Kingdom of Heaven.

2.      What did Jesus say to the disciples before the Cross?
1.      Remember when they asked Jesus how to pray, and He gave them the Lords prayer as a template?

2.      That took place BEFORE Jesus died for our sins, before we were allowed to do anything in His name.

3.      After the cross, we’re told to do everything in the name of Jesus, His might not ours.

4.      That’s why we pray in the name of Jesus now, but they could not do that then, because He had not become the sacrifice yet.

5.      So Jesus told them to pray, “Our Father, who is in heaven.  Holy be your name.  Until your kingdom comes (Kingdom of God on earth), your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Kingdom of heaven).”

6.      The kingdom of God had not yet come to earth, but the kingdom of heaven already existed!

3.      They were praying for God’s will on earth, as it is in heaven.
1.      They knew when the Kingdom of God came, (which was after the cross), that the Lord would reign on Earth as the Father does in heaven.

2.      This is why they prayed fro God’s will on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, because before Jesus paid the price for the sin of Adam, the earth was under the authority of Satan’s kingdom.

3.      After Christ paid the price and purchased us with His blood, He made right the wrong, and gained authority over ALL. And Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me…”

4.      And the Kingdom of God, the ultimate rule of Jesus Christ as the King of Kings began.  And the kingdom of God is here, now, on earth.
1.      So, if you are living in sin, as Galatians 5:19 – 21 speaks of; you can not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

2.      How do you inherit the Kingdom of Heaven?
1.      Through the adoption into the Body of Christ.

2.      If you are living in sin, you can not be part of the Body of Christ.

3.      Here on earth, right now. When you live in sin, you are stepping out of the Kingdom of God and into darkness. And if you die outside of the Kingdom of God on earth, you can not inherit the the Kingdom of heaven.

1.      not only causes us to live in sin, cut off our relationship with the Lord, break our communication with the Lord through prayer, and boot us out of the Kingdom of God here on earth and the Kingdom of Heaven when we die, but it does far more to us.
When you are angry;
·         You may feel anxious
·         You may perspire
·         Your heart may pound
·         You may feel overwhelmed
·         You can't think straight or maybe can't remember things.
·         You may have a knot in your stomach
·         You may fear that something bad is about to happen
·         You may use drugs, alcohol or other addictive behaviors, so you can escape, if even temporarily, from stressful feelings.
·         You may feel depressed, guilty or shameful as a result of your anger.
It Doesn't Have to Be This Way!

Anger is not an emotion, it is a behavior, and behaviors can be changed!


Think of the last time you were angry with someone. First you say, “This was righteous because…”

Immediately you try to justify your behavior of anger.

Step outside of the situation for a moment. Look at the situation and say, “Why did I act in anger?” Was it out of love?  Or more than likely, was I afraid of something?

I remember specific instances in my life where I was acting out in anger.

As a child I acted out in anger constantly against my parents and siblings.

I could take a situation and say, “I was angry with them because…”

But the truth was, I was afraid. My anger was arising from my fear. In my family as a child there was no security.

My parents were drug users and dealers. My father was left when I was 12. My environment was not a safe one where I lived and I was in many fights in school, mostly defending myself.

I was afraid. And from my fear arose my anger. From my emotion of fear, my behavior of anger came forth. My anger was not righteous anger, because it did not arise from love, but fear.

How many of us today are behaving in anger because of our fear?

We fight with our spouses, not because we are angry AT THEM, but because we are afraid of something.

Afraid of a situation that MAY happen. Afraid that something that has hurt us in the past MAY hurt us again.

Afraid that we may lose them. Afraid they may want to leave us. Afraid of failure. Afraid of rejection.

And from our fear, arises anger. Anger we can not explain. We don’t know why we are angry, we just know we are.

It’s time for us to stop, Examine the situation, and ask ourselves, “Is this anger coming from love, or is it because I am afraid?”

“Is this righteous anger, or am I sinning?”

Genesis 4:3 – 7
3 In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the LORD. 4 But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering, 5 but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast.
 6 Then the LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."

Cain, did not obey what God had commanded about offerings. And when the Lord did not look with favor upon his offering the scripture says he became angry.

Was Cain’s anger righteous or unrighteous and sinful? Was his anger arising from love or fear?

The Lord said to Cain, “If you do what is right, you will be accepted.  But if you don’t do what is right, sin is waiting at your door, it desires to have you, but you must master it!”

Cain’s anger was unrighteous and sinful because it arose from the emotion of fear. Cain was afraid of not being accepted by God.
This anger, which was unrighteous and sinful, caused Cain to sin further by killing his brother.

Remember last week when we talked about fear, and how fear causes us make irrational decisions?

Cain did not recognize he was afraid, and what he was afraid of, not having God’s approval.

And that emotion of fear turned to a behavior, anger. Anger that was sinful and unrighteous and misplaced.

His fear caused him to think and act irrationally, and led to the murder of his brother.

Do not forget God’s warning to Cain, “Sin waits outside your door, it desires to have you, but you must master it.”

Ephesians 4:25 – 32
25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 26 "In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold. 28 He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.
 29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Mark 3:5
5 He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored.”

Is this wrath righteous anger? Is this anger arising from love?

Yes, because the Lord loves us so much and wants our hearts to turn to Him, but their hearts were stubborn and resisted the Lord’s love for them.

We too must do everything in love.

V.    Today, right now, there is someone here who is angry.
1.      And that anger is unrighteous and sinful because it arises from your fear.
1.      And that unrighteous anger is causing you to live in sin, and outside of the Kingdom of God, apart from the Body of Christ.

2.      You may ask yourself, where is my peace, where are my blessings, why does it feel as if God is not with me in my life and decisions?
1.      In this state of living in sin, God can not give you the blessings and benefits of the Kingdom of God. 

2.      In this state of living in sin, God can not hear your prayers.

3.      In this state, you are living in unrighteousness.

2.      The scripture says, “Do not let your anger cause you to sin.”
1.      More so, do not let your fear cause you to be angry.

2.      Right now there is someone here who is afraid of what their spouse may do because of things that have hurt them in their own past.  And act out in unrighteous anger towards that spouse.

3.      Right now there is someone who is afraid of rejection from a parent, and is acting out in sinful anger towards their parent because of their fear.

4.      Right now there is someone who can not love others because of their fear of not being loved by others, and they act in anger, or contempt towards people.

5.      Right now there is someone who is angry with someone who has passed away, because they fear that they did not do everything they could have done to share the love of God with them.


If you have anger, ask yourself “What am I afraid of?  What is my fear?”

Do not let that fear turn to anger.

Do not let your anger cause you to sin.

Examine yourself and your heart to ensure that you are doing everything in love.

If you have unrighteous anger, come forward for prayer.

If you know that you are fearful, and that fear is causing you to sin, come forward and let me pray for you.

Do not allow yourself to live in a state of unrighteousness.

A state of sin, which will cause you nothing but heartache.

Anger is a behavior and behaviors can be changed.

Fear is an emotion, and emotions can be healed.

Come forward for healing if you are fearful.

Let the Lord, who has been given all authority in both Kingdoms...of heaven and earth, heal you and be Lord of your life.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

They Must be Giants :Part 3 - Fear

They Must be Giants
Part 3 – A Giant Named Fear
Pastor Bruce A. Shields
House of Faith Church | |

Most of us are all familiar with the story of David & Goliath in 1 Samuel 17.

We are continuing our series entitled “They Must be Giants!” Over the next few weeks we will talk about;


Today we are talking about Un-forgiveness and how it can be the giant we face in our lives.
* Un-forgiveness can hold us captive to ourselves.
* Un-forgiveness can literally make us a slave to it.

Remember these points from David & Goliath over the next few sermons;

        The battle between the Palestinians and the Israelites was a spiritual one.  Today it continues between the Jews and the Arabs, who are descendants of Isaac and Ishmael. 

        David had the Holy Spirit just as all of those who belong to God have access to.

        David recognized the battle was spiritual even though everyone around him could not.  He was walking in the spirit, not by sight, but by faith.

        When David faced the giant, he knew the battle was not a man against a giant, but a giant against the power of God.

        The battle was the Lord’s!  David had the right perspective.

We must remember these points in our lives as well when we face things.

1.      It’s a spiritual battle
2.      We have the Holy Spirit if we belong to God
3.      The battle is the Lord’s

Today, we are talking about fear.

Acts 10:34 – 36 
“Then Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism 35 but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right. 36 You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, telling the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.”

1.      This Giant Causes
1.      us to make irrational decisions
2.      forget who we are in Christ
3.      not stand when we need to
4.      act out in anger and frustration

2.      Or worse, we may do nothing at all

3.      Why do we forget so quickly;
1.      We are children of the most high God
2.      It is He who strengthens us
3.      All things are possible through Christ Jesus

1.      God does not show favoritism
1.      In King James it says, “God is no respecter of persons.”
1.      He loves you JUST as much as He loved Moses!
2.      He loves you JUST as much as He loved Abraham!
3.      He loves you JUST as much as He loved Peter!
4.      And He loves you JUST as much as He loved Judas…

2.      God’s love for us is NOT based on our behavior.
1.      “For ALL have sinned and fall SHORT of the glory of God!” ~ Romans 3:23
2.      If God’s love was based on us, He would love none of us.
3.      He loves us ALL, and does not show favoritism.

3.      That He does for one, He offers to all.

2.      Why is it important to know that God has no favorites?
1.      It’s easier to forgive others when you realize God loves them as much as He loves you.
2.      You need to realize that you are no different than the one you need to forgive.
3.      You will be judged by God in the same way everyone else will be judged on that last day.

3.      The scripture says “He accepts men from EVERY nation, who fear Him…”
1.      Fear God? The Greek word used for fear here is fob-eh'-o, this is where we get our Latin word Phobia.
1.      Phobia means to have a fear of something.
2.      Arachnophobia – Arachno (spider) Phobia (fear)
3.      Claustrophobia – Claustro (to shut or close in) Phobia (fear)

2.      So this word used in the scripture here means to fear Him…God.
1.      This fear means to have respect, or reverence for.
2.      For instance, if there is a bomb on your kitchen table, you have reverence for it.
3.      Not because of what it did, because it’s done nothing.  But for the power it does hold, and what it could do.

3.      We have reverence for God, not because He has come down on us with His strength, but because He IS the creator of the universe.
1.      He is the Almighty.  The beginning and the end!
2.      And although He has every right to destroy each one of us, He chose love.

4.      There is a RIGHT and a WRONG way to fear the Lord
1.      The fear we should have is;
1.      The respect and reverence for Him.
2.      So He offers us each His love because He does not choose favorites.
3.      And we are to have a right fear for Him.
4.      What happens when we worry, or fear something other than God?

2.      We have the wrong fear in our lives.
1.      The wrong fear is fearing or worrying about anything.
2.      When we fear or worry about something, we are saying “I have more reverence (respect) for the thing coming against me, than I do for the Lord.”

1.      David had more respect (fear) of the Lord than for Goliath.
1.      When the Israelites were facing the Palestinians, they feared them.
2.      They made irrational decisions, such as let’s do nothing, which lasted for 40 days.
3.      They could have sent for reinforcements.
4.      They could have formulated an attack plan.
5.      They could have done SOMETHING.
6.      But instead, their fear of something other than God caused them to do nothing.
7.      They forgot who they were.  The children of the Living God!
8.      They forgot who was with them…the LORD!
9.      They forgot who the battle belonged to.
10. Their fear of something other than God caused them to forget.

2.      Their fear caused them NOT to stand when the Lord their God was being mocked and blasphemed!
1.      For 40 days the Lords name was dragged through the mud in the face of His children, and their fear, their reverence for the Palestinians, caused them to stand silent to the smear campaign.
2.      They stood mute, the army of the Lord.

3.      They had the wrong fear.
1.      They feared something other than the Lord.
2.      Their faith was misplaced.
3.      That’s what fear and worry is, misplaced faith.

4.      Misplaced Faith
1.      When you worry or fear something other than the Lord, you are saying “I have more faith in what MIGHT happen, than faith in what God CAN DO.”
2.      The Israelites had MORE FAITH in the Palestinians destroying them, than in GOD PROTECTING THEM and making them victorious!

5.      Having the WRONG fear gives strength to the devil.
1.      We GIVE power to the devil!
1.      The Devil has NO POWER OR AUTHORITY in our life!
2.      WE GIVE IT TO HIM!
3.      Every time we choose sin over righteousness.
4.      Every time we choose hate over love.
5.      Every time we choose flesh over spirit.
6.      Every time we choose WRONG fear over RIGHT fear.
7.      Every time we submit to our enemy instead of submitting to the Lord.

2.      We hand authority over to the devil in our life, then whine…
1.      Things are going bad, what am I to do?
2.      Lord, why is this happening?
3.      Lord please take it away…Lord answer my prayers…Lord are you listening?

6.      Remember, the battle is SPIRITUAL
1.      Remember what Goliath, the Giant of Satan, said; “come and face me, and if I win, you will become my slave!”
1.      Every time we submit to worry or fear of anything other than right fear of the Lord, we become the slave to it.
2.      Like the Israelites, we are frozen, forgetting who we are, doing nothing as the Lord is mocked by one of His children handing authority in their life back over to Satan.
3.      And the Devil laughs, as you give more and more authority to him.

2.      The devil can not take anything!  He has to STEAL it...
1.      He has no power or authority in your life.
2.      You have to GIVE IT!
3.      We give it to him all the time.
1.      We know to do right, but we choose wrong.
2.      We know to love, but we hate.
3.      We know to forgive, but we don’t.  We hold on to our anger, our hate, or bitterness, our resentment.

3.      And every time you sin, the devil has a little more authority in your life.


Fear of anything other than God is saying, “I have more faith in what could happen, than in what God CAN DO!”

1 John 4:3 – 4 3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. 4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”


God is in you, if you belong to Him.  And He  that is in you, is greater than he that is in the world.

Do not be fooled by the devils lies.

Do not fear the giant the devil places before you.

Do not forget who you are, a child of the Most High.

Stand against the devil, resist him and he WILL flee. ~ James 4:7

If you have fear facing you today, come and let me pray for you to stand against that giant, and release the power of God in your life, and return you to a right fear of the Lord, and submission to the most high, giving Him the FULL authority in your life!
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