Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Christian Politics Part 3: War & National Security


Christian Politics Part 3 War and National Security

Previous messages by Rev. B. A. Shields found here


Christian Politics

Part 3: War & National Security

By Rev. Bruce A. Shields



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1.    Does it Matter if I Vote?

2.   Abortion & Stem Cells

3.   War & National Security



Today is Sunday. October 6th, 2024



Mark 13:1-8

"And as He was going out of the temple, one of His disciples *said to Him, “Teacher, behold what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!” 2 And Jesus said to him, “Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone will be left upon another which will not be torn down.”


3 And as He was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew were questioning Him privately, 4 “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when all these things are going to be fulfilled?” 5 And Jesus began to say to them, “See to it that no one deceives you. 6 Many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He!’ and will mislead many. 7 And when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed; those things must take place; but that is not yet the end. 8 For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will also be famines. These things are merely the beginning of birth pains.”





Some historians, looking through the last 5000 years of recorded history (5785 in the bible), discovered that there have only been 292 years of peace in that time. Less than ½ % of recorded history.


The rest of the historical timeline has been riddled with over 14,000 wars worldwide.


3.6             Billion (and counting) people have been killed in wars.


There is a financial cost to war as well. During the time of Julius Caesar, killing an enemy cost less than $1. During Napoleon's time, killing an enemy cost just under $2,000.


By WWI, it cost approximately $17,000 to kill a single enemy, WWII $40,000, and by the time of the Vietnam War, it cost the government around $200,000 to kill a single enemy.

Generally, we, as followers of Christ, may assume that we are anti-war pacifists, which in some ways we are. However, our personal feelings about the matter do not really count if we truly follow Christ.


What does the Old Testament say about war? What does the New Testament say about war?


What exactly is Jesus’ view on war?


Today we will look at War & National Security.



a.   Does the bible say “war is justified”?

                                  i.    Jesus says in Luke 11:21 “21 When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed.”

                                ii.    Jesus also said in Luke 14:31 “what king, going out to wage war against another king, will not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to oppose the one who comes against him with twenty thousand?”

                              iii.    When John the Baptist was preaching, and he demanded that his listeners repent, “Soldiers also asked him, “And we, what should we do?” He said to them, “Do not extort money from anyone by threats or false accusation, and be satisfied with your wages”” Luke 3:14

1.    John did not tell them that they must cease being soldiers. He did not tell them that they could not fight in war.

2.   This would indicate that being a soldier is not spiritually problematic. You can be a Christian and a soldier.

                               iv.    It was of a Roman soldier, a Centurion, that Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, in no one in Israel have I found such faith” Matthew 8:10; Luke 7:9

1.    Such strong praise from the mouth of Jesus would not likely be given to one in a profession forbidden to his own disciples. This would indicate that Jesus approved of soldiering.

                                 v.    Last week, we read in Ecclesiastes 3:3  “A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to tear down and a time to build up.”

1.    Keep reading, and in Ecclesiastes 3:7-8 “A time to tear apart and a time to sew together; A time to be silent and a time to speak.

8 A time to love and a time to hate; A time for war and a time for peace.”

                               vi.    Sometimes, war is justified by God and approved by the Lord Jesus


b.   The first war recorded in scripture

                                  i.    The first war recorded in scripture is the “Battle of Dan” in Genesis 14:9-20

                                ii.    We read that 4 kings from Shinar attacked Canaan.

1.    Shinar is modern-day Iraq, and Canaan is Israel at this time.

2.   In Genesis 11:2 we see that Shinar (Iraq) is where the Tower of Babel was built.

3.   So, the first war recorded in scripture was Iraq (Shinar) attacking Israel (Canaan)

                              iii.    These 4 kings from Iraq made mistakes

1.    They were the aggressors against Israel (Canaan)

2.   Second, they took Lot and his family captive

3.   However, one of Lot’s servants escaped and told Abram (Abraham) what happened


c.    How did God’s people respond to this attack? War.

                                  i.    Abraham took 318 armed men and went to war (Battle at Dan) in modern-day northern Israel against Shinar (Iraq) and won

                                ii.    They rescued Lot and his family and pursued the 4 kings beyond Damascus (Modern Syria)

                              iii.    But what did the Lord think about Abram taking Canaan (Israel) to war against Shinar (Iraq)?

                               iv.    Did God approve?


d.   Enter Melchizedek

                                  i.    After the victory against Shinar (Iraq), Abram set out for home, passing Salem (later named Jerusalem), where Abram met Melchizedek (meaning King of righteousness and peace) King of Salem (later Shalom, meaning peace)

                                ii.    So, Abram meets Melchizedek, king of righteousness and peace.

                              iii.    Many scholars believe, as I do that this is a pre-Jesus incarnation of the king of righteousness and peace, the Lord Himself.

1.    Genesis 14:18 “Melchizedek, King of Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was the priest of God most High.”

                               iv.    Today, we know that Jesus is our High Priest, and He uses bread and wine as signs and seals of His broken body and shed blood for us in communion.

                                 v.    So, how does Melchizedek respond to Abram going to war with Shinar?

1.    We read in Genesis 14 that Melchizedek blessed Abram for his “great” and “righteous” victory in vanquishing the aggressors and restoring justice.

                               vi.    So, Abram returned from his victory at the Battle at Dan and was blessed by Melchizedek, King of righteousness and peace, priest of God Most High.

                             vii.    The Lord also spoke to Moses, saying, “avenge the people of Israel on the Midianites.”…”So Moses spoke to the people saying, “arm men from among you for war, that they may go against Midian to execute the Lord’s vengeance on Midian.” Numbers 31:1-4; Exodus 17:16; Deuteronomy 7:1-2; 1 Samuel 15:1-3

                           viii.    When the time comes for God’s people to defend themselves against the aggressors and enemies of God, war sometimes takes place. God approves of soldiers, God approves of combat, God approves of war, and the killing that may take place is not murder. Those who fight in war are guiltless when defending their country, countrymen, property, family, and themselves.



a.   But aren’t we commanded to be peacekeepers?

                                  i.    Yes, Jesus tells us to be peacemakers, to “not resist evil”, and to turn the other cheek.

                                ii.    However, Jesus spoke these instructions to individuals regarding personal ethics, NOT to governing authorities.

                              iii.    We are not supposed to be the violent aggressors but are allowed to defend ourselves and family if need be.

Matthew 5:39 “But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.”



A man fatally stabbed his father and seriously wounded his mother and sister. His other sister, hearing the disturbance, comes from her bedroom to see her twin sister stabbed. Does she then offer herself to be stabbed?

Is that what Jesus meant by turning the other cheek?

I believe what is being said here is that we are to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9) and live as much as possible in peace with everyone (Mark 9:50), but there sometimes comes a time to not be silent but fight. To defend oneself.

Canaan was minding their own business when the aggressors, Shinar, attacked. Canaan was living in peace. But an injustice was done, and a man and his family were taken captive.

Canaan “responded” to an injustice to free the captives and restore justice and was blessed for a “great” and “righteous” victory in vanquishing the aggressors and restoring justice by the High Priest of God.

          There is such a thing as righteous war. It is not to gain oil, money, slaves, land, take what others have, destroy or kill because you don’t like a people for any reason. But in defense or to restore justice. There are righteous causes for war, and God does approve.


b.   Remember Jesus’ interaction with the Roman Centurion soldier

                                  i.    Jesus never told him it was morally wrong to be a soldier

                                ii.    Jesus never told him he must leave the military

1.    Jesus did not have a problem telling the rich young man he had to sell all he owned to follow Jesus!

                              iii.    In fact, what Jesus said was that He commended the soldier for his faith!

1.    Luke 7:9 “I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith.”


c.    What Jesus didn’t and did say about governing powers

                                  i.    Jesus never told Rome they should abandon their military or there should be no police!

                                ii.    The New Testament, however, clearly teaches that the governing authorities were to use the sword to punish evil and maintain justice.



a.   For the peacemakers, war is a last resort

                                  i.    As a country, we need to defend ourselves

                                ii.    We need to protect our citizens and way of life

                              iii.    We have a God-given right to protect our families, property, and beliefs

b.   War should always be for defense, righteousness, and justice

                                  i.    When Abram went to war with the aggressors, it was not for power or personal gain, just to flex, take over, etc.…

                                ii.    Abram fought the Battle at Dan to set FREE the captives (Lot and his family) and to drive the evil aggressors back out of Canaan.


c.    Unfortunately, war is sometimes necessary

                                  i.    “a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:8

1.    Love (I Corinthians 13)

2.   Hate (Proverbs 6:16-19)

                                ii.    A time for war, and a time for peace.

                              iii.    In both cases, love comes before hate, and war before peace.

                               iv.    I believe this teaches that we are to live in love until the time we need to hate and hate only that which God hates.

                                 v.    Proverbs 6:16-19

1.    “There are six things which Yahweh hates,
Even seven which are an abomination to Him:
17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
And hands that shed innocent blood,
18 A heart that devises wicked thoughts,
Feet that hasten to run to evil,
19 A false witness who breathes out lies,
And one who spreads strife among brothers.”

                               vi.    Sometimes, war is needed so that there may be peace.

1.    Look at the order in the verse.

a.   We live in peace and love

                             vii.    Something God hates takes place (i.e., shedding of innocent blood), as in the case of Shinar attacking Canaan.

1.    God’s people respond with War

2.   So, there can be a time of peace.



So, what DOES Jesus think about war and national security?


War should never be sought; it is always a last resort to a Christian peacemaker, but it is sometimes necessary. One should always be ready to defend and protect.


I Corinthians 13:4-7 “4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”


That is what love is!



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